Adventures with pre-commit

Posted on Wed 30 September 2020 in docs

I started using the pre-commit framework a while back on my projects but only with a very basic setup on pretty simple codebases. Common uses are apply code formatters like black or to run static type checking with mypy. I tried to create a rough framework for my Python projects.

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Cricket Data Sources and Python

Posted on Sat 28 September 2019 in docs

Inspired by an enthralling Ashes series, I wanted to play around with cricket data available from various free and commercial sources out there.. Despite a bit of trawling, I couldn't really find a single document detailing what was available. I've tried to make a start.

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Anaconda and Jupyter Cheatsheet

Posted on Mon 26 August 2019 in docs

A bit annoyed at finding myself having to re-learn a good workflow for setting up dev environments for Jupyter projects, I thought I'd try to list my workflow as is and update as I improve so I can refer back after a hiatus.

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