Building a Julia module to get information about spaceships

Posted on Tue 06 October 2020 in julia

I stumbled around a bit trying to work out how to create a module, use it and be able to edit it on the fly. There was a bit of head scratching but I was able to work out how to create a module to get data about spaceships.

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Baby steps with Julia

Posted on Sun 04 October 2020 in julia

I had heard a bit about julia but didn't know much. Coming at in from a Python perspective, it was intuitive at first because the syntax is familiar and you can play around in a notebook, which I quite like for basic prototyping. This was the fruit of an afternoon's meddling. I managed to make it retrieve some information about Star Wars which made me happy if nothing else

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Creating a TI process from a .pro file using TM1py

Posted on Sun 04 October 2020 in tm1

Ever wondered what's going on in your .pro files? I did so I tried to take one apart with Python and re-create it with TM1py...

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Adventures with pre-commit

Posted on Wed 30 September 2020 in docs

I started using the pre-commit framework a while back on my projects but only with a very basic setup on pretty simple codebases. Common uses are apply code formatters like black or to run static type checking with mypy. I tried to create a rough framework for my Python projects.

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Trying to stay on the right track with git

Posted on Mon 28 September 2020 in git

For when my memories are murky, this is a list of common git commands I tend to use, aimed at a relative newbie. I actually used it to give an intro to git presentation to my team a few years ago but it's still a nice reminder of basic usage.

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TM1 and Apache Airflow

Posted on Thu 23 July 2020 in tm1

I've seen numerous solutions for handling data integration where data needs to be extracted form TM1. Most end up involving multiple tasks triggered and managed in different tools by different teams. None of the moving parts are particularly complicated but the end to end process can be difficult to debug and it never seems to result in a particularly reusable solution. The introduction of the REST API and development of TM1py have increased the options. I thought it might be interesting to see how Airflow might be used to manage pipelines need data from TM1.

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Using pytest to test TM1 models

Posted on Tue 24 March 2020 in tm1

I wanted an excuse to explore TM1py in more depth and had been thinking for a while about the possibilities offered by using a test framework like pytest to run automate tests of a TM1 model. This is really a quick proof of concept to gauge how feasible it might prove.

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Cricket Data Sources and Python

Posted on Sat 28 September 2019 in docs

Inspired by an enthralling Ashes series, I wanted to play around with cricket data available from various free and commercial sources out there.. Despite a bit of trawling, I couldn't really find a single document detailing what was available. I've tried to make a start.

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Anaconda and Jupyter Cheatsheet

Posted on Mon 26 August 2019 in docs

A bit annoyed at finding myself having to re-learn a good workflow for setting up dev environments for Jupyter projects, I thought I'd try to list my workflow as is and update as I improve so I can refer back after a hiatus.

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